
Hands-on review: Nvidia GRID


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Comments (10)
  1. Cortez Lemke V says:

    What was the network test results? Grid also has Lag, Jitter, Frameloss, and Bandwidth requirements for your ISP. It works fine with me on DSL+ "OldPhoneLine" but if you are using Satellite internet with +1200ms of lag of course you are going to have a bad time.

  2. Mr. Hadley King says:

    If you have +30mb/s you should be able to stream at 1080p60

  3. Michaela Kris DDS says:

    My shield runs at 1080p 60 hz all games give you the option for 720 768 or 1080p and more i have a 5g band from comcast its either a 35mb or 50mb but i have no trouble unless others are streaming then yea grid 2 does skip. While alan wake jst dips for a sec or gets all boxy main reason to reply is for those that dont know they have a 1080p option but it will burn more data.idk how much grid burns but my netflix on hd burns a Gb per hour or if its on 720 its around 600 to 750 per hour and sd is about 350 per hour of mb cuz 1000mb is 1 gb.

  4. Minnie Strosin says:

    I have an old Netgear WNR2000 router with Comcast's basic internet package and I was playing Arkham Asylum all weekend with almost no interruptions or lag while my girlfriend streamed TV shows from Netflix. The few times I was having issues, restarting the service remedied them entirely.

  5. Abraham Parisian says:

    Have 1gig connection on shield console. It runs amazingly well. Couldn't believe it was streaming.

  6. Edmund Dicki says:

    I get massive lag with the grid games and I have an Asus dual band router.

  7. Dashawn Murphy says:

    Is it optimized for gamestreaming? Asus has a lot of dual band routers, not all are good for gamestreaming. These are compatible routers

  8. Everette Mraz says:

    Nvidia's requirements for GRID are overstated, it will run just fine on an 8Mb connection and a normal 2.4gz router, the main obstacle is a clean wifi signal, if you have a lot of neighbours that isnt going to happen! That said, I bought a dual band Asus router for gamestream and my broadband jumped fron 8 to 12Mb and everything seems much snappier, so you'd be doing yourself a favour anyway.

  9. Chasity Kilback says:

    I'm using the original handheld, but my experience with GRID has been flawless, even in games like GRID where you need split second response I've never had the feeling I was not playing he game locally. I take that back I had issues when my router was an apple airport extreme.. but I changed to an Asus and it's been flawless from that day.

  10. Bernadette Muller says:

    yes, I have the AC68U

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