
Hands-on review: Oculus Rift


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Comments (25)
  1. Jaquelin Pouros says:

    How will the morpheus dwarf the rift? The morpheus great downfall is that it's tied exclusively to outdated hardware. The rift works on a much more open platform and will extend to mobile as well eventually. The rift already has applications beyond gaming. Something you won't see on the morpheus. Without Palmer's Rift, Sony would still be stuck in a 90's VR timewarp trying to sell the HMZ headset at $1500.

  2. Cleveland O'Reilly says:

    I think the BIG advantages for the Morpheus is the massive PS4 install base and that the games are designed and optimised for the hardware to get 120Hz going, as a DK2 owner, the amount of bloaty juddery messes out there is enough to put some people off when they try it. However, if you have a 980ti SLI setup, the Rift, or even Valve's headset will no doubt offer better graphical immersion.

  3. Georgianna Bernier says:

    Key point to note here is that you don't have a developer morpheus so you haven't had access to any PS4 VR games at all so complaining about the poor quality of DK2 games is very unfair. You are aware that DK2 is a developer kit for developers? Yes non-developers buy it but it is intended for developers. I have tried a number of 3rd party demos and the experience is exactly what I would expect… incredible immersion… life-size 3d visuals. DCS flight sim has oculus support built in. Of course there are amateurish demos and games but that is also one of the advantages the Oculus has… OPEN DEVELOPMENT for everyone…. The PS4 install base will only be a percentage of PS4 users depending on cost of morpheus and quality of the experience. Problem is the morpheus is crippled by Sony's control. I remember pre-PS3 sales hype with Sony saying the PS3 was a super-computer and it could be used for more than just games. The reality was that when sony saw the PS3 being used for applications other than games they locked it down even more.

  4. Whitney Will IV says:

    BS. Games and fun are forever. All girls eventually turn into fat men.

  5. Juanita Bernhard says:

    Gamingvisor is for pc and console. Players will be totally immersed in games with the advantage of not having to wait for development of 3D games.

  6. Katrina Kshlerin says:

    Time will tell, the PS4 install base is huge. Want a decent experience on the rift? 980ti? $1400 setup all in, easy. It will remain niche on the PC, the PC has always been niche, not necessarily a bad thing. Mass market will be closed systems, always has been, always will be.

  7. Verona Hahn says:

    Exactly right. People don't have to max out game settings and not all games require super graphics cards (Portal 2 runs on very old GPU's). What we will see now are a range of new more affordable micro PC's to compete with consoles. PC's always won out in terms of performance but they lost in terms of desktop space and cost. That should start to change now.

  8. Josefa O'Connell says:

    All thx to gaming 😀 its really a dream come true :)

  9. Leda Cartwright says:

    I've heard the term VR GOGGS being thrown around lately… I assume that term is in reference to ALL makes of VR goggles/ headsets?

  10. Alfredo VonRueden says:

    Just use the term VR no need for anything else to be added.

  11. Triston Walter IV says:

    Have you seen their financials?

  12. Ms. Elisabeth Rath V says:

    I hope that doesn't mean we'll just get loads of simplistic novelty games a la Mincraft:/

  13. Karolann Kihn Sr. says:

    virtual reality googles means experience a fake reality, not necessarily just for purposes of games.
    I can fully imagine streaming concerts, new methods of "visiting" the family across state by slipping on goggles and linking up to the dome webcam in the living room just to feel like you are back home, etc.
    Soo many uses, games may end up being one of the least interesting functions

  14. Leilani Wintheiser says:

    I found that not bothering with VR means I don't have to take extra pills.

  15. Anissa Green says:

    Oculus isn't just for games, It's already used by NASA and the military and will see many new VR movies produced for it. The use extends far beyond games but typically these tech journalists only focus on one aspect and misrepresent the product.

  16. Mr. Cleve Romaguera Jr. says:

    Too much resolution needed for this at the moment, will happen eventually.

  17. Tomas Stoltenberg I says:

    I really can't see how Morpheus will be able to run any decent or recent games, given the struggle that the PS4 already has with 1080p resolutions and high frame rates. It's pointless attempting to run anything at anything beyond 30fps given that there will be additional overheads for the hardware regardless of whether it can support 120hz updates…..the games simply won't be able to update fast enough….and that's a big problem when the lens are right in front of your eyeball!

  18. Prof. Rollin Daugherty says:

    Exactly right. Sony did exactly that with the PS3… When people were installing linux on the PS3… sony put a stop to it. PS3 used for scientific applications? Sony put a stop to it. PS4 is a games console and a locked-down one. If that's all someone wants then that's their choice. It's not for me though. I want open development, I want there to be all kinds of demos and games both professional and amateur. Sony wouldn't even have a morpheus had it not been for Palmer making Oculus a reality. Prior to Oculus Sony had a VR device little better than those we saw in the 90's and it has been priced at $1500. It took Palmer to shake things up.

  19. Alexzander Quigley says:

    gamingvisor is cheaper…

  20. Bettye Fay says:

    They should also sell a minimal, barebone version.
    The earphones, custom dac, controllers, external sensors – all add a lot to the cost and increase manufacturing costs aswell.
    It would likely drop 30-40% in cost if you skip those.
    But i guess someone "sponsoring" wants their crap being sold.

  21. Liliane Emard says:

    I'm a little confused as to why HTC Vive isn't mentioned amongst the competition. Am I missing something?

  22. Dr. Hilma Abernathy says:

    So, I was in the demo room with Lily (taking photos) as she tried it on and tested it out in two separate 40-minute appointments, and Oculus' staff said "this is the final version." In fact, I heard them say this line to other journalists, too: "This is what we're shipping next year." Kinda smacks in the face of your comment of "He has not tried the final version?" Also, you mean she and not he.

    I know… I read too fast sometimes, too. You also scrolled past our "WHAT IS A HANDS ON REVIEW?" explainer a little too quickly in order to leave your snarky "Ogling" comment. 1) this is the final version, 2) author isn't a he, 3) hands on review explainer. Hope that answers everything :)

  23. Prof. Wendell Ruecker PhD says:

    I do have access to Morpheus…. And I have a DK2… They are just pieces of hardware, it's the ecosystem around them that will define success.

  24. Mr. Max Kuhn DVM says:

    Mine craft is not a simplistic game. Do you mean games with low detail graphics? I could see it working with complex games its just that the graphics with need to be at PS2/3 levels in order for the high framerates required by VR.

    If it works and is more than a novelty then it possibly means the end of the XBOX One as a serious gaming machine.

  25. Ms. Vincenza Schulist Sr. says:

    Alot of bla bla in this article and no interesting information for a tech enthusiast. Waste of time.

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